
Showing posts from February, 2022


  T here are one problem or the other facing the big city irrespective of there development and growth.     1. Urban spread Urban spread or real expansion of the cities, either in population and geographical area, of rapidly growing cities is the root cause of problem. In most cities the economic base is incapable of dealing with the problems created by their excessive  size. Massive immigration from rural arrears as well as from small towns into big cities has taken place almost consistently; thereby adding to the size of cities. In several big cities wealthy people are constantly moving from the crowded centers of the cities of the cities to the more pleasant residential where they can build larger houses and enjoy the  and privacy of a garden around the house.    2. Over crowding:   Overcrowding is situation where by many people live in a little space. Overcrowding is a consequence of over-population in urban areas. If developed country is give too much room for anyone to live in th


  P eople think living in the big city is costless but getting to the city is not has thought. Big city is is costly. 1. High cost of living The high cost of living i s the first disadvantage that people typically think of when  moving to the city. Major cities always have a high cost of living than the residential area, and cities like New York have high cost of living. Normal living expenses such as rent and utilities tend to be higher in the big city and you may have additional living expenses you wouldn’t have in the residential area such as parking permits. Food, drinks, tobacco, products, and gasoline are also more expensive in major cities. 2. Lack of parking Parking is some how difficult in the cities. In local areas, people can park in their driveways or on their residential streets and  most businesses have parking lots their customers to use. In big cities, parking is not a guarantee. Some residential streets are permit parking only which means you need to buy a permit, and


  M oving in a new town can exciting, especially if you move somewhere that is very different from where you currently live. It can be stressful moving from one place to new environment that you are not use to. One of the changes you can make in your living situation is changing from a small town to the big city.  Many people who have never lived in a big city but have the desire eventually succumb to the allure of city life and find themselves living in a much more population and concentrated area than they experienced in the residential area. There were many of people that love to move to the city, big city life is not for everyone. It is very different than life in the residential area is a small town and moves at a much faster pace. Like with any location, living a major city has its advantages and disadvantages that you must take into account before ultimately deciding to ditch the residential area for the big city lights.                 ADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN THE CITY Meeting n


C ity as got to be one of the most exciting place to live. Many people seems to think city life is too fast paced or too fake for them to enjoy city life. Living the city for me is one of the thing I love, hearing some of the hustle going outside my house use to give me a sign that I am not alone in the world.  There are reasons I chose to live in the city because city is full of entertainment, transportation and cost also being able to gather experience. To start there reasons I like city because of entertainment. Entertainment is of the fun part of the city, for example being able to go out to the mall or friends having a nice time chilling and to catch fun with in the distance of my house that is of the fun of the city. There a lots of many theatres , amusement and recreation center where we can go to take picture and watch movies, there are number of hotels, restaurant we can food and of finest quality. There are so many garden and parks where we can enjoy beauty of nature at best.


  A city is a large human settlement. Cities generally have extensive systems for housing, transportation, sanitation, utilities, land use, production of goods, and communication.  City life style facilitates interaction between people, government organizations and business, sometimes benefiting different parties in the process, such as improving efficiency of goods and service distribution, more than half of the world population now lives in cities, which has had profound consequences for global sustainability.  Present day cities usually form the core of large urban areas creating numerous commuters traveling towards city centers for employment, city centers for employment, entertainment, and education. Different country connecting in city, due to sustainable development, global warming and global health. Because of the major influences on global issues, the international community has prioritized investment in sustainable cities through sustainable development goal. Undeveloped cou


C ity life shows the urban lifestyle and Village life reflects the rural life style. Life rural area and urban is has it own problem. One is different from each other. Though before advent of city we all belong to the rural area, life in the big cities is different from life in a village. Let consider, life in a big city and some points: Medical facility   Cities provide sufficient medical facilities. In most city, there are good hospitals in which the poor get free medicines and treatment. Many experienced doctors are also their to treat the sick. The village lack  medical arrangement. The Facility of Education In cities, there are good foundation for education. Talking about college even universities are available. There are very large number of school in both government and private in city. This does not exist in the small towns and village. Amusement and recreation Cities also provide amusement and recreation. In city, there are a number of shopping mall and cinema houses, where we


  S eeking new social connections, pursuing opportunities for jobs and education, or proper facilities is the central why people chose to live in the city, people prefer to live in the big city. City attract people because they provide important “opportunity spaces” where people can expand their contacts and chase better economic status or personal dreams. Understanding the role cities play is indispensible to the future health of urban populations. City  provide a habitat, goods and services, structure in the form of rules and regulations. Many people strive to go the city in other to connect to with the social life of living, and the city there is proper care and approach for human health. When talking about infrastructural facilities it is more available in the city than the urban area, infrastructure like road, access to health care etc.


  C ity Life is Better Than Village Life One of the biggest debates humans have is whether city life is better than village life or vice versa. Each area represents the opposite of the other and the advantages of one are actually the disadvantages of the other. While village life has many advantages, including less noise, beautiful natural landscapes, less pollution, fresh air and less congestion, the statistics does not favor the village worldwide. Each year, millions of people migrate to urban centers in search of greener pastures. Even though most of them would have preferred to stay in the less stressful villages, they had to move to cities due to economic reasons. Here are reasons why city life is better than village life. The first reason is transport. The cities generally have well-structured transport network systems that connect virtually all areas of the urban centers. The main modes of transport include road, rail and air. City dwellers therefore have various alternatives wh